American Girl:The Struggle" - This is Where Bad Times . Read, right, or wrong, you only have one life. Veterans To Date.Still hoping .
What is, is not, What is not, is. Guns N’ Roses - Civil War.AMEN!Fact . A person who truly loves you will never let you go or give up on you, no matter how hard the situation is.Lights On: Tunnel End.
Good ties, good times, good luck, singing in the rain, singing in the dark. Happy Dazes, Happy Friday, Happy Holiday to the masses.Layers Of Mud, Shit, Dung, Fecal Matters. Good Time Frogs: Dime To Drop, Dim, Dense, Dumb, Faces In And Out Of Time. Glory Dazes In The Horse And Pony Shows. SIMA JARROT, QUEER, STEER, COW Wales. STILL DOES TRICKS: AT AGE 88. Free Milk, Why Buy The Cows:American Girl:The Struggle" - This is Where Bad Times . Read, right, or wrong, you only have one life. Veterans To Date.Still hoping . WAYS TO GROW. MORE MOUNTAINS LEFT TO CLIMB.ATTENTION: WALMART SHOPPERS.FACTS vs MYTHS. In like Flynn,Times on the cross, trips to hell and back.Rachel Gay Jarrot: UCLA-5 Stars for a frog, for a dyke, for a sucker or licker of pussy just like sire: Steven Jay Jarrot, in North Ortarion with Sheri Jarrot-fag hag 1 or best in tribe. Married a gay man and never knew? Just a little short- in brains, wits, and pussy happy with gay husband for years.
Out of the box now, and still believe lies, and stories that make her feel good, not true, twisted and tainted views about the only husband (Steven Jay Jarrot: 090462: call to concur 7608512267), just another gay RV camper for life. Girlfriends change by the hour, or girlfriends change by the city, and girlfriends just pussy to lick and suck like Rachel Gay Jarrot, the perfect woman always. Cow to buffalo now butch, buff, and dyke at UCLA now.

The Doctor is in the house! RAZZLE DAZZLE! 2025.'Saints and Sinners. Ways to go, ways to grow, ways to stay on top, thanks and praises for another day, fairy tales to live. Witches, babes, movies hits. Charmed for life.Dawn the Rebirth:Unconditionally.Now You See Me 2 (2016) -Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Tricks And Luck.WHO DID THIS?!?
You can't sit with us . #mcm goes to my father bc he's cooler than all of you losers Dicks, dawgs, dates, cows to call, whales on land. Books to review: —Frank Agresti. American Veterans. You have to be willing to take the risk and make the sacrifices needed to be successful. Life in Afro future.
Fake Friends.It has been a long month, almost dead again, hopes alive and wishing for more and better, always dreams and prayers in place for a simple life always. Hate the fact that Seven snakes, has text more threats by text, and the written reminders are need to ward the men that a dog is nothing but a right hand for the hound dogs.Loaded Faces.Rachel Jarrot, cow to buffalo, wales on land, pigs, hogs,hoes, good times, cheap fucks, cheap tricks, heads to count. and can fly and how?
Time to get off the pot, your piss has come full circle, lessons learned, and time to pick another mountain to climb. The horses or jackasses here are done, and toast, and the sky is still blue, some dogs do not learn new tricks or trades for a better life. Not your story any longer, god helps fools, and the young at heart. Stand Taller and reach for the pies in the sky, and work smarter not harder always.
How it is done in Texas and Washington . Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibilities.TO BE COMPLETED,WORK IN PROGRESS, MARCH 4TH.
Blowing Smoke.This is the month for shooting stars, watch out for the blue stars with five or six points, for the directions of the pies to fly from the sky, and the locations for the pots of gold. Chasing rainbows is the month for the signs up above about the events that are shaping up, and getting set for the big bang.
Not sure what that means, just that there are things like events that will tell a story about something to write home about, just before the cattle stop roaming in the hills of Riverside, California, where the donkeys return to the canyons in Colton, Moreno Valley, and the borders of Arizona, and California, and there is a pack of two of the Jarrots, that have returned as asses in another form, and the lessons learned the last time were not good enough to recycle as a person, rather a mule, donkey, or jackass in the hills and canyons of Riverside county, this is the form of return again for them.
Dead or expired Paul and Charles Jarrot, back again as asses in the hills and canyons as donkeys, or jackasses in Colton, Moreno Valley, and the borders of the state across California, they are back. Devils, fairies, fags, steers, queers, frogs, snakes, reptiles of the evil kind, or the reasons, seasons, or causes, for the recycles of this nature, assess the lot of them and piss offs also.
Write about the wrongs, right about the causes, and the right side of the grave, are the stories being told now, and how twisted, tainted, and wicked the way or the train of thoughts of being a super star on some level, with or with out the work, just because of the color of the skins, or the paint on a house, the effects change with the coming of night. Day events not the same for the snakes, frogs, and wolves, they work best in the darkness of the shadows of the setting sun, daily wait for the lights to come on, or stay off for the count.
Flash(DCAU) Vs Metro Man(MegaMind) Vs Omniman(Invincible) Vs Hyperion(Marvel) .Conditions:
•No weapons •Random Encounter…
Dare to make it happen. Loaded Faces.Rachel Jarrot, cow to buffalo, wales on land, pigs, hogs,hoes, good times, cheap fucks, cheap tricks, heads to count. and can fly and how?
Flash(DCAU) Vs Metro Man(MegaMind) Vs Omniman(Invincible) Vs Hyperion(Marvel) .Conditions:
•No weapons •Random Encounter…
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