Friday, February 28, 2025

Maybe you don't know, maybe you do, but there is a weather website that is ran by the government called NOAA. Sometimes, I notice while checking the weather, that they are predicting it will rain almost a week before it does.

Loved the fact, only 2 month agency, pay 2% to listing agent, 2 .5 % for selling agent. Within 5 days, I had an offer, $30,000 over the asking price. 

Contracted to close February 28, 2022. Did not happen. Agent came out of nowhere, and told me, solar company had rights. Spruce Power wanted to take my recorded, and paid state fees, in 2018 for a solar termination, and a lease termination. I did not buy the solar panels, I did not lease, I have no relationship with them.

Sprue Power took my termination, and attempted to change to a financial form. They hijacked my deal on the table.Sometimes I feel so alone [not lonely]. LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM . NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'.
Took them 10 weeks to create their forms, so I refused to sign. Temecula Valley Home Team, will not release the listing, they want to cancel or void.

Not expired. No agency, no cancellation or void, available for course ran, for two months. So the house is still pending. 

What I would like to do is put the house in a land trust. Do you have time and interest in helping with that, is the question here. 

Black, disable veteran, wants to put the house in a land trust. Can you help me with that?
Keeping the house, solar panels free, 5 years later, termination, final in August 2022. Right? Just waiting for time to pass.UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.My Books -When We Were Young:Dances On The Sands Of Time.

Mutual agreement reached, set to close February 28, 2022. did not close. did not agree, termination, turned into a financial form, terms unacceptable.

Have had health issues, thinking about the assholes on the roof. I write daily,  have more views to share, about what this issue has done to me. Books have been written, pen names, scared of people chasing me, all the time, living in the shadows.

If you fail, never give up, because F.A.I.L. means "first Attempt In Learning"; End is not the end, in fact E.N.D. "Effort Never Dies"THOSE WHO TELL THE STORIES RULE . SOCIETY PLATO.
May be an image of text that says 'One of the most powerful art pieces from Burning Man: A sculpture of two adults after a disagreement sitting with their backs to each other. Yet, the inner child in both of them simply wants to connect. Age has many beautiful gifts but one we could live without is the pride and resentment we hold onto when we have conflicts with others. The forgiving, free spirit of children is our true nature. Remember this when you feel stubborn.'

Kings, and knights, dinner delights, pages to a book.Young Elephant Survived 14 Lions. UNFORTUNATELY SOME Mother Fuckers GOTTA LEARN THE HARD WAY.... GRRRRRRR. Txs a lot American Birds, Faces Of Freedom. Angels Pairs, dances in the sky.
Sometimes I feel so alone [not lonely]. LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM . NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'.
May be an illustration of text

Maybe you don't know, maybe you do, but there is a weather website that is ran by the government called NOAA. Sometimes, I notice while checking the weather, that they are predicting it will rain almost a week before it does. 
Sometimes I feel so alone [not lonely]. LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM . NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'.

DREAM big. SPARKLE more. SHINE bright.Happy Notes, History Of Veterans With Skills, Lots Of Hard Knocks: Tips given.Squidward once said... Kevin Shelton , Don’t call me angel. Right, dude in this connection, is you. That is nice, home daily, the good life

Hard Knocks: Tips given.My wallet is not full but my stomach is. don' have all the things I ever wanted but I do have everything I will ever need. Tips given"Creativity, Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun". TIME TO TURN THE PAGE: Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday. Was not expecting that... GROOVE! FOREVER HOME: Illuminati Exposed.Until Tomorrow: Shine.Heads, Hearts, Hands To Guide, Golden Years.


Kings, and knights, dinner delights, pages to a book.Young Elephant Survived 14 Lions. UNFORTUNATELY SOME Mother Fuckers GOTTA LEARN THE HARD WAY.... GRRRRRRR. Txs a lot American Birds, Faces Of Freedom. Angels Pairs, dances in the sky.
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